ბიოლოგიური სისტემების ფიზიკის განყოფილება
Department of Biological System Physics
პუბლიკაციები, 2014 წელი

Publications in International Scientific Journals

Lezhava T, Monaselidze J, Jokhadze T, Gaiozhishvili M.
"Epigenetic regulation of “Aged” heterochromatin by peptide bioregulator Cortagen."
International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics. 2014, DOI 10.1007/s10989-014-9443-7

N. Sapojnikova, T. Kartvelishvili, N. Asatiani, V. Zinkevich, I. Kalandadze, D. Gugutsidze, R. Shakarishvili, A. Tsiskaridze.
"Correlation between MMP-9 and extracellular cytokine HMGB1 in prediction of human ischemic stroke outcome"
BBA-Molecular Basis of Disease 1842, 1379-1384, 2014,

V. Zinkevich, N. Sapojnikova, J. Mitchell, T. Kartvelishvili, N. Asatiani, S. Alkhalil, I. Bogdarina, A. Al-Humam.
"A novel cassette method for probe evaluation in the designed biochips"
PLOS ONE 9, e98596. 2014.

Vasil G. Bregadze, Tamar G. Giorgadze, Zaza G. Melikishvili.
"DNA and nanophotonics: original methodological approach"
Nanotechnology Reviews. Volume 3, Issue 5, Pages 445–465, 2014.

Vasil G. Bregadze, Zaza G. Melikishvili, Tamar G. Giorgadze.
"Nanophotonics and DNA: New approaches"
Cornell University Library, arXiv:1406.7272v1[physics.bio-ph] 2014.

Irine Khutsishvili, Sarah E. Johnson, Calliste Reiling, Iztok Prislan, Hui-Ting Lee, and Luis A. Marky.
"Interaction of DNA Intramolecular Structures with Their Complementary Strands: A Thermodynamic Approach for the Control of Gene Expression"
Chemical Biology of Nucleic Acids, RNA Technologies, V.A. Erdmann et al. (eds.),
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014, pp. 367-383.