ბიოლოგიური სისტემების ფიზიკის განყოფილება
Department of Biological System Physics
პუბლიკაციები, 2015 წელი
Publications, 2015 Year
L. Kikalishvili, M. Ramishvili, G. Nemsadze, T. Lezhava, P. Khorava, M. Gorgoshidze, M. Kiladze, J. Monaselidze
"Thermal stability of blood plasma proteins of breast cancer patients, DSC study."
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. April 2015, Volume 120, Issue 1, pp 501-505.
Jamlet Monaselidze, Maya Gorgoshidze, David Khachidze, Maya Kiladze, Vasil Bregadze, Eugene Kiziria, Hakob Margaryan & Nune Hakobyan
"Conformations of DNA in the presence of nanomole concent rations of Co+2 ions and mezo-tetra(4-N-oxyethylpiridil) porphyrin."
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, Volume 33, Issue 2, pp 267-273, 2015, DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2013.873001,
Calliste Reiling, Irine Khutsishvili and Luis A. Marky
"DNA Pseudoknots with Appropriate Loop Lengths and Sequence Complementary to the Stem form Stabilizing Base-Triplet Stacks"
Biophysical Journal 108(2), 2015, 392a.
Hui-Ting Lee, Alexander J. Lushnikov, Irine Khutsishvili and Luis A. Marky
"Thermodynamics for the Interaction of PEG-PLL Copolymers with DNA."
Biophysical Journal; 108(2), 2015, 352a-353a.
Calliste Reiling, Irine Khutsishvili, Kai Huang and Luis A. Marky
"Loop Contributions to the Folding Thermodynamics of DNA Straight Hairpin Loops and Pseudoknots."
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119(5), 2015, pp 1939–1946.