ბიოლოგიური სისტემების ფიზიკის განყოფილება
Department of Biological System Physics
პუბლიკაციები, 2020 წელი
Publications, 2020 Year
ციფრული კოდის (DOI) მქონე პუბლიკაციები საერთაშორისო სამეცნიერო ჟურნალებში
Publications with Digital Code (DOI) in International Scientific Journals
Jamlet Monaselidze, Liana Kikalishvili, Manana Ramishvili, Maya Gorgoshidze, Maya Kiladze.
"Thermostability of rat sarcoma M1 procollagen solutions, procollagen fibers and whole tissues."
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020, V. 142, 1561–1565 [HIF – 2,731]. Springer, საერთაშორისო, 5p.
T. Lezhava, T Buadze, J Monaselidze, T Jokhadze, N Sigua, N Jangulashvili, M Gaiozishvili, M Koridze, N Zosidze, M Rukhadze.
"Epigenetic Changes of Activity of the Ribosomal Cistrons of Human Acrocentric Chromatids in Fetuses, Middle-aged (22–45 years) and Old Individuals (80–106 years)."
Cytology and Genetics, volume 54, pages 233–242, 2020, [HIF – 1,500]. Springer, საერთაშორისო, 5p.
Evgeni Bunin, Gia Khatisashvili, Tamar Varazi, Tamar Kartvelishvili, Nino Asatiani, Nelly Sapojnikova.
"Study of arsenic-contaminated soil bacterial community using biochip technology."
Water, Air and Soil Pollution, v.231, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020, 12p.
Tamar G. Giorgadze, Irine G. Khutsishvili, Zaza G. Melikishvili, Vasil G. Bregadze.
"Silver atoms encapsulated in G4 pamam (polyamidoamine) dendrimers as a model for their use in nanomedicine for phototherapy."
Eur. Chem. Bull., 9(1) 22-27, 2020, The Hungarain National Library, Budapest. 7p.
V. G. Bregadze, T. G. Giorgadze, I. G. Khutsishvili.
"Study of the effect of argon glow discharge irradiation on the conformation of DNA molecules using laser spectroscopy methods."
Laser Phys. Lett. 17 115602, 1-7pp. 2020, IOP Publishing, Printed in the UK. 7p.